Last Updated on November 3, 2019 by Steph
Countries Visited
4 – Australia, Namibia (with a quick stop in South Africa), Germany and France
How We Got Around
- 4 flights – MEL-PER-JNB-WDH-FRA 15,541 miles/25,010 km
- 1 Campervan exploration around the Australian Outback
- 4WD Truck around Namibia
- 2 Landrover Safaris near Etosha National Park in Namibia
- 4 train rides – Frankfurt to Heidelberg to Strasbourg
- 1 Funicular ride to the Heidelberg Castle
- 1 boat tour through Strasbourg
- Countless taxis and Ubers to and from airports and dinner spots
- A ton of walking to see everything we could possibly see
Best Meal
Steph – In Swakopmund, Namibia, the Tug was recommended for dinner one of the nights we were there. Walking in the restaurant, you feel like you are on a tugboat. We actually sat in the top where the captain would steer. Our reservations were early because they were pretty filled up, but the timing worked out perfect because the sunset over the ocean while we were scrapping the last of our dessert off the plate.
The server recommended a fish on the menu that I had never heard of, but she told me it was her favorite and caught fresh that day. I haven’t eaten much fish on this trip, but with her recommendation, I ordered the Kingklop. It was amazing. I cleaned my plate and had enough room for wine and dessert. The meal was incredible, the service was outstanding and the views were the icing on the cake.
Justin – This may be the first time we overlapped on opinion of best meal. My favorite also came at the Tug; I had the lobster focaccia. I love lobster but don’t order it as often anymore due to the fact I am very picky about it (thanks to the Clam Shack up in Maine) and most places fail to deliver. The server was so confident in their food that I had to go for it. Oh man did they deliver! Not only did they meet the quality of the lobster roll in Kennebunk but they EXCEEDED it! The focaccia was made fresh daily in house (or, in boat, rather) and the grilled lobster coated in a house-made mayo butter hybrid. This was fabulously delicious.
The Tug in an absolute must do for anyone visiting Namibia.

Best Animal Experience
Steph – Africa was packed full of amazing animal experiences. So many of them were moments that I was hoping to have and was so excited that they became a reality. The most surprising moment for me happened in Australia. At one of the sanctuaries, we got to learn about the Tasmanian devils. The country is working hard at helping to repopulate them and when some become too old to be rereleased into the wild, they live at the sanctuary. We happened to be there when they had food in their habitat, so they were out moving around. It was amazing. They are the coolest creature.
Justin – As an animal lover I was simply overwhelmed with joy for 6 weeks straight. From our arrival in Australia to our departure from Namibia, we were exposed to a plethora of animals we can only see in a zoo. My most special moment came during our self-drive safari in Etosha National Park. By this point we had seen lions from a mere 15′ away and even watched a lioness hunt. Not to mention the elephants and others galore we had viewed. So we were off to a good start but were told we’d be lucky to see rhinos anymore. Well Steph and I hit the road early and traveled down a very quiet road where no one else was. It was along this road that 2 adults and a baby were running across the road. No one else was there and we got to view them for a few moments before they retreated at full speed into the wild. It is so hard to pick a moment as I loved them all, but this one stands out in my mind as very special.
Our Peak
Steph – Sundowners in Namibia were the highlight of the last month for me. The sun gets to a certain point on the horizon where the dust turns the sunset to the most beautiful red color. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. That alone would have been amazing, but in this situation, I’m on a Land Rover with my favorite person watching Lions interact with a cold beer in my hand and a carful of new friends. It’s impossible to really explain the way I felt in that moment, but it was as close to perfect as I have ever been.
Justin – The fresh air sleeping. We spent a month road tripping and sleeping in or on the vehicle we commuted in all day. Cracking the windows of the van in the Outback or leaving the rain flaps of the tent open beneath the endless stars of Namibia had me sleeping better than I have in a year. That’s no exaggeration. It’s hard now here in Europe to even think about closing the windows at night.
Our Pit
Steph – One of our last nights in the Campervan, I had a pretty horrible anxiety attack. It was the first time on our travels that the upcoming plans seemed overwhelming, scary and I struggled to just get myself to calm down. The last few days in Australia were pretty rough for me, but as soon as we landed in South Africa – I immediately started to feel better. It was a good reminder for me that I require a little down time. The last few months have been nonstop and it clearly took a toll. I’m looking forward to a little quiet time in October to recharge.
Justin – I got pretty pissed off at humanity over the last month. Specifically our consumerism and lack of thought around decisions we make. Learning about the amount of birds, amphibians and reptiles that have gone extinct in the last hundred years in Australia due to habitat loss and then watching continued development and tree farms taking the place of natural spaces really irked me. I already have an issue with the lack of reuse of buildings and everyone needing new everything all the time. To see the clear line of tree farms pushed up against what was natural habitat and passing it off as “replanting a tree for everyone used” just reiterates to me how disconnected from the damage we do most people really are.
Grateful to have…
Steph – CROISSANTS. They are my absolute favorite food and I’m in Europe now and can eat them multiple times a day if I want to. Sign me up.
Justin – My folks in Europe with us for a few days. They haven’t traveled abroad before so it was fun to have them join us on our travels and see them out of the U.S. for the first time.

Missing this…
Steph – My sisters (in-law if you want to be particular). All three of them. It’s hard to connect via FaceTime when we are on opposite schedules and texts sometimes happen at weird hours of the night, but I miss talking to them.
Justin – I’m missing a routine just a bit this past month. We have been road-tripping for 6 weeks and then when we got to Europe we were bouncing around every 2 days so I am looking forward to stopping somewhere here in Europe soon to settle for a while, just to get back into a groove.
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What’s Next?
We are in Europe for at least the next month or so. There are no concrete plans and we will just be moving around from city to city to wander streets, learn some history lessons and eat pastries for breakfast every day.
One thing on our agenda is spending a little time on the website and getting pictures loaded. Thanks to those of you that took our reader survey. If you haven’t, please click here and answer a few questions for us.
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