Last Updated on August 31, 2022 by Steph
With COVID, a two week visit to America’s finest city turned into our new full time residence and it took a while to find out if I love San Diego. Such a strange year with lots of unknowns. Now that we are almost a full nine months in, I think I’ve gotten to know this place a little better. Although we’ve only scratched a few things off our California bucket list. So without further ado, a love letter:
Dear San Diego,
I love that you are welcoming with your sunshine and bright colors. It feels like I’ve stepped into a retro themed section of Disney World with color everywhere and towering palm trees. Pool floats, tropical drinks, warm breeze. It just feels like vacation.

I love the marine layer. It’s something I experienced briefly on our 2018 trip to Santa Barbara, but have really gotten to appreciate it here. I love the nights where the fog has rolled in before bed and the smell of the ocean surrounds me. Those come second only to the early mornings when the sun is up, but you’re surrounded by the thick fog. When we get so much sun, having any type of cloud cover feels like an extra special treat.

I love your plants and flowers. Every day, we discover something new on our neighborhood walks. We’ve been able to grow a small garden and enjoy the fruits and vegetables that were successes and laugh about the ones that just weren’t. Pine trees are replaced with palms and both come with their own version of beauty.

I love the hummingbirds and butterflies that hover outside our window every day. They love the lime tree next to the front stoop. Oh yeah, and the fact that we can have citrus trees.
I love your epic sunsets. We don’t go to the beach often because you know… people. But the times we have been able to get out on the quieter beaches, we have not been disappointed. Even non beach sunsets are gorgeous (especially this fall).

I love your nostalgia. The Art Deco signs are my favorite – each neighborhood has one in the center and they just make me feel like I’m in a movie.

I love the amount of good beer and food you have. Not only have we found some incredible Mexican restaurants on our takeout nights, but there are tons of great vegan options. We have been constantly adding new places to our “want to go” list.

I love your green spaces. Balboa Park reminds me of Central Park with the museums and different sections – each with their own vibe. Once you pair the parks with all the great hiking spots within an hour’s drive – it’s impossible to stay inside.

While everything else is a little crappy, I am still grateful for this time we have gotten to spend together. We are lucky to be somewhere that allows for lots of outdoor everything even through the winter months. You have introduced us to a few people that have become family.
And even though you won’t be our forever home, I love San Diego.

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