Category: Details

  • Our Gear: Luggage & Backpacks

    Our Gear: Luggage & Backpacks

    A question we get quite often is “how much luggage do you use?” That’s a question that most globetrotters will answer different because we all have different needs and wants. What we’d like to share today is our thoughts on the luggage we are currently using and why. Below you’ll…

  • Tips and Tricks to Enjoy Extra Long Flights

    Tips and Tricks to Enjoy Extra Long Flights

    Long flights can be rough, but they are necessary to explore some of the most beautiful corners of the planet. We spent 34 hours traveling from Minneapolis to Christchurch (you can see the stats here). It was long, but we enjoyed our travel time. We wanted to share the things…

  • Favorite South Island Stays

    Favorite South Island Stays

    Are you planning a trip to New Zealand and wondering where to stay while on the South Island? You are in luck. We shared our full itinerary a few days ago here and now we wanted to add the places we stayed and loved. I have been really excited to…

  • Our Itinerary for New Zealand’s South Island

    Our Itinerary for New Zealand’s South Island

    We were lucky enough to spend 25 lovely days on the South Island of New Zealand. Our original plan was two weeks in the south and one week in the north. Once we started outlining our plans, we determined there was so much to see in three weeks. We also…

  • Month 1 Stats & Recap

    Month 1 Stats & Recap

    A snapshot of month one on the road. The stats, the peak and the pit and other random information.

  • Our Daily Routine

    Our Daily Routine

    Many people were curious about our daily routine. Every few days, we wake up in a new place, a new bed and with new adventures. There is no settling anywhere. Everything we own is in a backpack and a suitcase (and our friends’ basements). How could we possibly have any…

  • How to Prep for Long Term Travel: 3-6 Months Before Departure

    How to Prep for Long Term Travel: 3-6 Months Before Departure

    A list of things to consider if you are planning a big trip or any long term travel.

  • Where to Start

    Where to Start

    Our attempt at finding a beginning to this story. Where do we even start?

  • A Tuesday Evening and A New Beginning

    A Tuesday Evening and A New Beginning

    My favorite life update yet.